Featured videos: https://youtu.be/r2u20y4TnbM
Latest album: https://zanzone.bandcamp.com/releases
Quotes from reviewers about various songs on the new album:
"Brilliant" "Euphoric" "Mesmerizing"
“Classy” “A lot of drama” “Hard rocking” “On fire” “Great hooks and power” “Great hooks and a lot of style” “Unusual” “Killer number”
“Crazed and so cool” “Bluesy rocking sound” “Really works well”
“Particularly effective and potent” “Hard-edged”
“Dramatic” “Inventive” “Tasty” “Melodic”
"Electric Mellifluous Spirituality"
“Killer guitar work” “Particularly intricate guitar work” “Excellent guitar solos”
“Heaven-sent guitar... that just makes any attentive cerebral cortex tingle”
“Brimstone breathed guitar”
“Flows like sweet rock n’ roll lava”
“Deeply satisfying” “A strong piece of music”
“Start Where You Stand simply burns with classic rock fever”
"Zan has a way of crafting wonderful songs and arrangements which really do cut across a myriad of styles, yet they always contain wonderful hooks which make them so easy to listen to, and the more the album is played the more there is to discover."
"It is hard to understand why they are not more well-known as this is a delightful collection of music, real music, which has real soul and presence."
“As said, Start Where You Stand breathes with ’70s musical sentiment. It rocks, and it rolls. And it just gets things right, with those really nice loose elbows, urgent vocals, paused pathos, a cornucopia of Americana carnival side show barker’s guitar solos, and an always “forever young” big-screen fiery rock ‘n’ roll “bless me father” forever and a day confessional groove.”
"This is the embrace we’re all in need (of), and “Start Where You Stand” provides the encouragement that many of us require, making it the perfect album for here and now – and, actually, forever."
Zan Zone combines eclectic songs, written primarily, but not exclusively, by guitarist Zan Burnham, and utilizes incredible musicians and highly skilled musical technicians.
Critics have noted:
" Really strong songwriting * Exquisite songwriting * Very clever songs * Unusual * Defies pigeonholing ". Marko Djordjevic and Saadi Zain are both noted jazz musicians; Philip & Angela are both wonderful singers, throw in Zan, and it's a great vocal team. Then, take rock & jazz & funk & folk & blues & who knows what, mix it all together and you've probably got one thing: BINGO!
Good music!
Read all the full reviews HERE!
IT'S ONLY NATURAL - 2018-2020:
“Soaring” “Scintillating” “Captivating” “Electrifying!”
“Interesting” “Infectious” “Irresistible” “Memorable” “Remarkable” “Uplifting” “Tasteful” “Colorful” “Heartfelt” “True music” “A powerhouse!” “Unusually good!” “Grows on you” "Highly distinctive" “Nice compositions” “Very rhythmic and melodic” “Very Harmonious Melodies” “Goosebump songs” "A tasty stew" “Very nice indeed” “Perfectly-prescribed melodies and grooves” “Amazingly powerful and soulful” “Surprisingly accessible and catchy” “Foot tappin’ and hip swayin’ music” “The songs are friendly and funny” “A cool perspective on the world” “A cool approach that’s not only funny, but thought provoking” “Spreading the vibes of positive love” “A pretty fabulous band” “A good mix of rock” “Excellent guitar playing” “A free-flowing flashback to the good ol' days of guitar rock”
“Rhythm & Blues, rock'n'roll, folk, blues and jazz music: you get it all”
”Could appeal to millions upon millions of music fans”
We are currently (seemingly always!) working on improving this web site with easier navigation, more info, and improved readability. We are also working on making more videos, both live, and scripted. We are also working on working about working about it!!!
Please be patient but enjoy what's here!
Zan Zone is currently staffed by:
Zan Burnham - guitar & vocals
Saadi Zain - bass & vocals
Marko Djordjevic - drums
Philip Dessinger - vocals
Angela Watson - vocals
Robert Stevens
Pompano Beach, Florida